Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November Piano Newsletter

Piano and Voice Newsletter November 2010
Happy Halloween/Thanksgiving!
Nearly every student should be working hard on their recital song(s). Some of the early beginners do not have their music yet, but will in the next few weeks. Some of the older students wanted to choose their own songs, which is fine with me. However, I have not seen what songs they are doing yet so maybe remind them. As I said last month, every new-to-piano-student this year will do only one song and everyone else will be playing two.
As for the recital… it will be on December 13 at 6 or 7 pm, depending on the time I select for you. (More on that later in the month.) I will be breaking students into two groups to make it a less of a tight fit. You are welcome to invite any family and friends you would like, but if you can give me a rough estimate of a head count so I set out enough chairs!
Winter reminder: Once it snows if you park on the street you will quite possibly get a ticket or be towed. Sorry to say I have no pull in that regard so unless you are in your car don’t leave it on the street. Just pull into my driveway close to the garage so my husband can come in and out quickly in case of job related emergencies. He *can* get around most cars if you don’t do that, but he tends to take out my sprinkler heads and that makes me cranky in the spring.
As you know, the holidays are coming. The way I handle lessons when there is a holiday and/or no school is this: IF you let me know at least 1 week in advance (I need the full 7 days to plot out my schedule), I am happy to teach your student that week. If your student’s lesson is on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, I am happy to reschedule it that week on a different day since I doubt you want to bring your turkey dinner to my house! Please do me a favor and let me know if you want to have lessons that week as quickly as possible and definitely 7 days before their lesson that week. This is the same policy for Christmas and the time off through the New Year, so let me know asap.

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